As the season turns, signaling the start of another academic year, parents and college-bound students begin the familiar ritual of dorm room preparation. Amid the excitement, it's crucial to consider the health implications of the living space you're creating. This guide offers straightforward, actionable advice...
Posted at 10:00h
by HMS Plumbing
The topic of toilets rarely comes up in casual conversation, until the household toilet starts to leak, gets damaged, or has some other kind of functional or physical problem. Unless you're personally involved in the selection and installation or replacement of your own toilet, many...
Most plumbing issues in your home are caused by the buildup of food remains, grease accumulation, and chemical concentrations. Some clogs can even be caused by dirt particles and hair buildup in the drain. In some cases, these problems are easy to diagnose and correct...
Posted at 10:00h
Water Damage
by HMS Plumbing
Most people have likely never heard of water hammer issues, and while they may seem foreign and complicated, many Canadians have dealt with the issue at some point in their lives. For instance, if you have heard a strange pounding or thumping after having turned...
Perhaps you are training to become a do-it-yourself plumbing expert, or just want to learn a few tips so that you can make some minor repairs around the house without having to call a professional plumbing company. In any event, you can actually save several...